Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Love and Gratitude:

Yes that is what I am feeling for so many of you queried about how I was doing and when I was going to bounce back. There are many from different parts of the world that actually sent me healing and blessings…thanks to all of you too!
I have been away from the canvas for the last five days but I am seem to have a certain clarity in thought. I see everything more clearly now. It is our judgement that clouds things at times….yeah basically we need to stop judging…let’s stop dividing in terms of black and white …..Without different experiences and people the world would be a boring place. We need the spectrum of colour so let’s go and rejoice this colourful world! I need these various colour swatches to create ;) Let’s live and let Live each in our own ways!!!!

1 comment:

Kaybeemm said...

Waiting for you o be up & about, s that we get to meet your "Maya" in her colourful attire.