I have been attending a few opening nights....its a little tiring. You have to pretend very often to like and discuss works that you would have ordinarily just ignored. I hate pretending.
Have been meeting few interesting people and I like that. My art is about people and I like meeting different people from different walks of life.
I think an artist has to be cynical to get good art extracted and portrayed on a canvas. These opening nights do bring out the cynicism to the best. Its all about who knows who.
On a lighter note however I am looking forward to my own opening night as thats the time the artist chills has fun and lets others do the work of pulling out their cheque books. My last one was chilled out to the extent that I knew I had not done homework before planning the exhibtion. This time I hope I am doing it right.
More importantly if people appreciate the work genuinely you will know with the red dots by the end of the exhibition. So lets says CHEERS to a lot of red dots this time round!